söndag 8 december 2013

8th of December 2013

7 things you wish everyone knew.

Hm... hard subject.
1. How to be friendly and show respect. Could be quite good thing for everyone to know...
2. All swedish girls are not blonde. (Hear too often since I got brunette,  that I doesn't look swedish,  bad cliché)
3. That I'm very bad at this subject.
4. No matter how much I try to come up with things here... I'm giving up.

Okey, I'll just skip that one. Were supposed to post this yesterday, but forgt about it.
Had a nice weekend, last one for a few weeks, with some great people. Pre-celebrated my birthday. Friday night we went to Shoreditch and a cool club. Really nice! And yesterday we just went out for a drink. Alexandra brought me to the very first place we went to, our first night out. So nice!! The spice of life. It feels like we were there for the first time, just yesterday. We didn't know each other very well back then, we just decided we should go out together. And now three months later me and Alexandra have done sooo much stuff together. We've done more than I've done with a lot of people in Sweden. So happy we met each other. Wouldn't really survive London without her. And the fact that we go through basically the same happenings all the time. If someone is sad for a reason, the same will happen to the other one. So when her phone was stolen I was just expecting something to happen to my phone, and yep, it broke. That's how we roll.
And so happy she planned this weekend for me and came with crepes for me last morning. :-)

Today my plan is to pack my suitcase and probably go in to the city, maybe will check out Winter Wonderland, it's a beautiful day today so would be a shame to stay inside.
I've seen that there's so much snow in Sweden now and storms are coming. I am just a bit worries that the trains from Denmark will be canceld when I'm going home. Would be terrible, the last thing I need now is problems with the flight and the train.

Actually I am a bit scared to go home. I can't wait because I want to meet everyone again, but still I'm afraid of the feeling of waking up in my bed and everything will feel like normal and like I've actually never went to London. It feels unreal. I feel exactly the same feeling I had before I got here. I was sooo excited but still sooo scared. But I think it will be great. Sweden, my fucking country. 

Now it's time for me to take a shower and go out before the sun dissappears. I'll post some pictures and svenskar: jag översätter detta ikväll.
Puss, kiss, mwah.

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