onsdag 14 januari 2015

If I want it, I'll take it.

It rarely happens that I start my laptop as it almost started burning not long ago. However I dared and I'm on it right now. If this post stops in the middle of the sentence I burned up... ok?

So today was my last day off in a while. Now I'm going to work for 8 days in a row. To be fully prepared for this I scratched my last pennies (don't worry I got my food and everything important first) and walked away to Boots (I've recently experienced my area and found out a lot of cool things!!! For example there's a cinema not far away selling CANDY KING! Swedish sweets people!!!) Back to focus. I walked to Boots. Got my colour and BAM! I'm black like the darkness of the night. Uh. And damn, I look good! Last time I had black hair, I must admit I'd never felt so good ever. And I think, just a new piece of cloth and I'll ready to do this! (Whatever I'm doing hehe)

First I tried to do a ombre look, but then I remembered, I'm not a hairdresser, so I did everything  black. I must say, black can really change depending on how you wear it, if you wear it with rock style black hair looks a bit rough. If you wear it with pretty dresses, it looks really cute. And if you wear it with simple, basic clothes it looks really classy.

I've really taken my time to plan my year. How I will develope both myself, my style and also how I'll save and make the most out of the money I earn. No more cheap things every week. I will rather save it for something a bit more luxurus. (London is really taking my mind again).

I feel this thing this year, I don't know... I feel girl power. I feel that hell yeah, this year I'm gonna show what this girl can do. I'm glad I've got my motivation back. I lost it there for a while, but people who know me long time back knows I can be very motivated and really do what I want. I've missed that girl. The girls who think "Hm, I want to do that, so I'll do that". It was that girl who went to London. It was that girl who thought "I want to move to London" So I did. 

Today I felt, I want change, so I dye my hair. Me and my friend has some big plans and I'm glad she's like me. We want something, so we do it. I'm not gonna sit around being lame and feeling sad that I don't do anything. If I want, I can do whatever I want. Watch me. I'm feeling more confident and stronger than ever!

I would look after that girl too if I saw her walking down the street! ;-)

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