söndag 26 januari 2014

Difference between Sweden and UK

Good evening folks!

I've been thinking about a few things that people do/have here in UK... things that I find quite strange and different from Sweden.

1. There's no towel to dry your hands on  in the toilets. I guess you just dry your hands on your trousers. The funny thing is that I'm still standing for a second every time I've washed my hands and are looking for a towel, but there's nothing.

2. What's the thing with carpets all over the floors? I mean, it's quite nice to walk on but why? Isn't it horrible to clean?

3. Why do they eat so incredible much chicken? Why? Why? Why? It's chicken every where. Chicken, chicken, chicken. I do like chicken, but some other meat would be totally ok aswell.

4. 98% of all the men I saw in Waterloo last Friday had a really proper and good looking style. No matter what age. In my city you're lucky to see two welldressed boys in a day. Almost.

5. You do actually go on dates in UK. In Sweden it's just a thing you say but it never happens. "Let's meet up" "Yeah". Then it's over. Swedish guys should learn from British.

6. In London you find a job or at least can go to a job interview the day after you send in your CV. In Sweden you wait for 4 weeks before you get a e-mail. "Thanks your your application, unfortunately a lot of persons have applied and we have decided to choose some others than you. Thank you" Then it goes over and over again.

7. People here are nice. Now I don't mean that every single person in Sweden is rude. But most of us are. Swedish people don't say sorry, you definitely not make sure that the bus waits for you if someone sees you running for the bus.

8. Another thing that makes swedes looks silly is that when we're in a store and wants to look at i.e. a t-shirt, and someone else is looking at the same, you WAIT til the other person is gone. Here you just go and stand together with the other person and looks at the same thing.

I think that's enough. Sweden and UK are quite different. I'll always love Sweden but you have to be in another country to see how silly we can be, haha! x

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