söndag 24 november 2013

24th November 2013

I just realised it's less than three weeks until I'm going home and it's exactly one month to xmas. Wihoooo!! Just asked my host for some ideas what different Christmas gifts I can buy. I've got some plans! ;-) I actually think I will go Christmas shopping tomorrow. At least start... not sure I'll be able to go around to all places at the same day. But I will try my best to find some cool stuff.

Yesterday me and Alexandra went to Greenwich Park and took a stroll thru Greenwich. Best area! I'm very happy actually to live so near Greenwich,  it's really beautiful. And yesterday we found a hidden tunnel and suddenly we walked under Thames and ended up on the other side. I think we have seen more of London than many other students,  just because we always get lost or finds some strange place to explore.  It's nice tho!

Were out last night so I'm tired today, but has to go out and get some stuff. I lost my sweater last night. :-( I have no idea how. No I didn't wear it when I lost it. That would be strange...
I'm so boring when I write nowadays... sorry, will try to be more fun. Next time.


Insåg att det är mindre än tre veckor tills jag åker hem! Och en månad kvar till julafton,  wohooo! Frågade precis min  värd om lite julklappstips så nu har jag lite idéer. Tror jag ska börja handla lite imorgon!

Igår var jag och Alexandra i Greenwich, bästa området. Älskar att bo så nära! Vi lyckades hitta en tunnel och plötsligt gick vi under Thames och kom upp på andra sidan. Jag tror våra utforskar/gå vilse- egenskaper gör att vi nog ser mer av london än de flesta.

Var även ute och festade igår så är lite trött idag. Men ska nog dra mig ut lite senare. Lyckades tappa bort min tröja igår också..buhu.

Ska chilla lite nu, sedan blir det iväg att köpa vintertights, det behövs!!
Puss puss.

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